All Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones” locations
Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones and their relatives those Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones are quite unique objects that aren’t available for purchase or obtained in any other way. They’re the only thing you’ll need to boost your favorite weapons up to their maximum possibility of +25, or even +10. In the end, Elden Ring Smithing Stones and Elden Ring Somber Smithing Stones will only take you so far.
But, there are thirteen Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones and 8 Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones across the entire Elden Ring, which means you’ll need be cautious about how you proceed. You’ll be not able to upgrade more than just a tiny portion of your weapons until they reach maximum power. Of of course, the weapons that receive to increase your strength by 24 will not be tough, but to get the complete upgrade you’ll require all the Ancient Stones to bring back to Hewg and get him to Smith to the last tier of upgrades.
Now is the time to go hunting for the and get your hunting gear tarnished. Below, we’ve listed where to locate all the places that belong to those Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones in Elden Ring, including the Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones.
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All Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones”locations in Elden Ring
There are a total of 21, Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones to discover, and 8 of them are somber. Click on the links on the left or scroll down to locate the ones you’re looking for. You must be in the final stages that are part of Elden Ring to obtain these Ancient Stones, as most are found in areas that require players to be aware of how to reach the Consecrated Snowfield within Elden Ring, or in the course of quests or quest lines that stretch across the entire campaign. Simply put, if you’ve been able to defeat Godrick or you’re still tinkering through Caelid to see if you’ve ever done it before, you’ll not get these items in the late game anytime soon. Sorry to disappoint you.
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones locations
Here’s where you can find all of the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones’ places within Elden Ring:
- A body was found inside the jaw of a giant’s skull The southeast from the Church of Repose in Mountaintops of the Giants.
- An incentive for defeating the nameless dragon that has lightning attacks, who will attack you from the curving path near the beginning of Crumbling Farum Azula.
- Rewards to kill the other dragon that attacks your with red lightning on to the Dragon Temple Rooftop.
- It is found on a corpse north in The Dragon Temple. Then, from The North exit, walk across the left-hand side of the path to the narrow corridor with dragon statues. Head towards the spiral staircase to the right. Then, go South at the top . leap off the floating pillar that leads to the room and the remains of the coffin.
- The reward for killing 2 Night’s Calvary who guard the caravan in the night, along the Southwest frontier of the Consecrated Snowfields.
- A corpse is in its own room , past it is the Onyx Lord miniboss in Yelough Anix Tunnel.
- Halfway across the frozen waterfall, you will find an unidentified corpse on top of The Great Wyrm Theodorix boss, just outside The Cave of the Lost. The ledges can be jumped to get to an Ancient Stone.
- The South part of the Miquella’s Haligtree is an ethereal Leonine Misbegotten with a massive knife, who guards the statue. The corpse resting on the statue is adorned with it’s Stone upon it.
- After you have killed Loretta knight of Haligtree After killing Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree, walk through the arena and up the steps to locate an elevator within. Instead of taking the elevator, climb up to the top of the tower and open a chest in front of you to find the Stone.
- The reward to Nepheli Loux’s journey. For more information on how to defeat it, read the Elden Ring of Nepheli Loux quest line guide here.
- If you successfully complete Nepheli Loux’s quest, or Kenneth Haight’s quest, and take down Morgott, Gostoc the Gatekeeper the tall old guy who offered to you an Elden Ring Stormveil Gate option is also at Godrick’s Throne Room to sell you an Ancient Stone for 20000 Runes.
- Possible questline rewards for you to complete the Elden Ring Solen the Sorceress questline. If you have to choose between choose between Sellen either Witch Hunter Jerren choose Witch-Hunter Jerren and you’ll receive your Stone at the final.
- Food the entire of the Deathroot places and then give them the location to Gurranq who is the Beast Clergyman who lives in North Caelid. Alternately, following Maliketh’s Maliketh maliketh boss battle you can simply attack and take out Gurranq inside the temple to obtain the Stone.
The Somber Dragon Smithing Stones locations
Here’s where you can find all of the Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones Locations in Elden Ring:
- In the Gazebo in front of the second dragon, who is threatening your with red lightning on The Dragon Temple Rooftop (who drops the usual Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone).
- The Southwest portion of Leyndell Particularly when it is transformed into Leyndell’s Ashen Capital. Ascend the dragon’s body to the ladder that lies in the beyond that is ruined, then fall down from the right edge to find an ash-covered corpse that has an Stone in it.
- The reward for the killing of Anastasia and the Tarnished-Eater for a third and final time. currently in Consecrated snowfield on in the North part of the river’s curvature (.
- Inside a chest located in the base of a statue that is located opposite Mohg’s arena at Mohgwyn Palace. Beware – it’s protected by many enemies.
- Following The Prayer Room Site of Grace located in the Haligtree Begin by running down the first path, and then run into the gazebo, then climb across the sloping support beam to a small room that has a chest inside. The chest holds an Stone.
- After you have left the Prayer Room, use the connecting rooms to go up to the outer rings to your left that is patrolled by Putrid Avatar. There is no need to kill it, just sprint to the corpse located on the Southern side and scavenge it to get the Stone.
- While technically it is not acquired by killing Malenia However, players who finish an Elden Ring Millicent questline and get Miquella’s Needle from The scarlet flower be able to obtain an Somber Old Dragon Stone with it. For those who are struggling with the best way to defeat Malenia within the Elden Ring, we can help you.
- A reward for completing the questline of Latenna, provided by Latenna when you have completed Latenna’s Apostate Derelict.
How to make use of Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones for enhancements
The ancient Dragon Smithing Stones only ever require one stone in the last stage of upgrade, regardless whether you’re making use of Somber stones or otherwise. For instance If you’re looking at upgrading your weapon that has a +24 or +25 you’ll only need one Ancient Dragon Stone, never more than the amount.
It’s also important to make certain the weapons you’ve got are modernized as they can be without them, If they’re not at 24 points (or +9 in the case of original Somber Weapons) Make sure you have all your Elden Ring Smithing Stones and Elden Ring Somber Smithing Stones you’ll need to get this.
The method that you can use the stones to improve your weapons is exactly the identical to using Smithing Stones – head to Hewg with weapons in good condition to be upgraded by these stones. After providing the Stones along with some runes in exchange for payment, he’ll grant them the ultimate upgrade. Be aware that this upgrade isn’t reversible! If you upgrade a weapon using any type or Ancient Stone, you can’t reverse the upgrade or gain the Stone back, as it’s destroyed during the process.
How can I get additional Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones in Elden Ring
If you’re running out of Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones, regardless of how sad your only option to obtain more is to begin Journey 2, aka New Game Plus. Since each game of Elden Ring is the only way to contain the 21 Stones listed above, at the very least that means you’ll have to start from scratch, setting the world, and then putting them back in the same place they were prior to. If you’re interested in knowing what stones you have in your possession are transferrable Our guide on the things to accomplish within Elden Ring before NG+ contains that info too!
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