The Way to Get: Black Marsh (WP) > The Forgotten Tower
Zone Level: Nightmare: 42 – Hell: 79 (Level 5)
Golden Chest: No
Boss/Champ Packs: 1 – 2 per level
Hell Immunities: Cold (The Countess, Dark Stalker), Fire (Devilkin, Blood Clan), Lightning (Dark Archer), Ghost (Physical)
The Countess is among the most well-known early game farms due to the fact that she will drop one Rune almost every when you take her down. In fact, during Nightmare she’s able to drop at least six Runes (though you’ll barely ever get 3 or any more)! If you can farm her long enough, it allows you to create any of the Runewords you require to create your character.
This is why The Countess is among the most often early farmed bosses that are available at the beginning of every Ladder, or for any single Player who wants to get ready with Runewords to play Nightmare as well as Hell. A majority of people do not bother with the garbage that is around The Countess during these runs, and the amount of trash you want to skip in The Tower dungeon as a total.
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The idea is to run across The Tower as fast as possible, kill the Countess and then grab the High Runes that she drops , and take off immediately for a second run. There are two points to note about the Lady Countess… One is the fact that she will always appear on the opposite part of the room that you walk into.
In the second, based on the layout of your map, the Countess could be tied in her own room. You’ll have the ability to get her minions from the room, but she’ll never go out of the room. You can utilize this to your advantage when you aren’t well equipped or leveled as well as farming the character to Hell difficulty.
If you’re interested in what High Runes can be found in The Countess based on the difficulty of the game take a look at my lists below. Rememaber that the Loot Table of the Countess works differently than normal enemies in terms of dropping Runes as well. She basically has one certain Rune drop, and then another bonus Rune drop.
Regular Rune Drop Table
Normal: El – Ral
Nightmare: El – Io
Hell: El – Ist
Bonus Rune Drop Table
Normal: El – Ral
Nightmare: El – Ko
Hell: El – Lo
The standard Rune drop table the one she drops each when you kill her. It includes the more popular Runes on the table. The bonus loot table generally contains the same Runes that the primary loot table has but the addition of four oar two of the rarer ones. The table is mentioned at the beginning of this guide, the Countess can be able to dropping up to six runes total. One of them is always from her regular loot tables and the others that are dropped come through her reward table.
Not least, If you’re playing on single Player I highly recommend that keeping the game’s settings to just one player to increase your chances of winning an Rune from the Lady Countess’s loot table. If you increase the number of players playing you’ll increase the number of Magical items that you can collect at the hands of The Countess. This will decrease chances of finding additional Runes since the Magical item that drops could be used in place of the Rune.
The Countess Normal difficulty High Rune is available.
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