In this section of the instruction guide for NieR Automata,you will discover which gold-based enemies are(encountered during the latter part of the battle). We will also give suggestions ways to defeat these gold-powered machines that may appear impervious to destruction.
Basic information on gold machines
Gold machines form among the most powerful as well as distinct enemies. First encounters with gold enemies will occur in Chapter 7 and more particularly during the investigation of the Flooded City.
Gold-based enemies appear more frequently in the latter stages of the game. They appear with different forms, also, for instance, small robots, goliaths or tank. The size of the opponent in this instance doesn’t necessarily determine how easy you can take them down as even tiny gold machines can cause lots of problems.
Gold enemies can hold massive quantities of points for health. The traditional ways to kill them can be a challenge even if you have access to powerful weapons (e.g. Pods) and even if your character is significantly higher than the amount of experience the gold adversary has. If you decide to utilize the traditional techniques of combat, then you need to take into account that fighting against a gold machine may be a matter of a few minutes.
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Killing gold-colored enemies
The elimination of gold machine is more simple once you begin playing 9S which is after you have advanced towards Route B. This is due to gold machines aren’t impervious to hacking that is 9S’s only advantage.
Every hacking mini-game that you win will trigger explosion and will remove a portion of the health bar of the gold enemy. Naturally, just one hack isn’t enough however, you are able to repeat the hacking effort approximately 4-5 times. And If you succeed it is likely that you will succeed.
Rewards for breaking gold machines
Make sure you check the loot left by gold enemiesas it may include precious items e.g. Machine Cores which are able to be sold to traders to purchase large amounts of currency.
Eliminating the gold machines can enable you to collect new bits of Unit Data, i.e. codes x entries on different types of enemies, including those that are slightly different.
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